Transformation beyond crisis: How to be successful in dynamic times, Rovinj, hotel Lone

Datum i mjesto održavanja: 23.05.2024., Rovinj


In times of multiple crisis it is important to not get stuck in crisis mode but to steer organizational development beyond crisis. Organizations can only thrive in dynamic times, if they have the big picture of ongoing transformation in mind. That will provide room to proactively create the future instead of reactively respond to yet another challenge. Therefore, this workshop first invites you to revise your mindset. You will review particular problems stemming from crisis mode and explore the potential of the so called new dynamic mode. Furthermore, you will get to know novel concepts and toolsets from latest crisis research and learn how to apply them to your organization. Finally, this workshop will empower yourself in becoming a transformative leader in dynamic times by ensuring the transfer from novel learnings into your personal business environment.


  • Shift your mindset from crisis focus to the bigger picture of ongoing transformation
  • Know how to apply latest research concepts and tools for dynamic organizing
  • Transfer the learnings on dynamic organizing into your own business environment
  • Be equipped to become a transformative leader in dynamic times

Target group

  • Leaders or teams who have to deal with crisis
  • Business developers, controllers, HR or anyone who is involved in strategic decisions for the organization
  • Consultants or coaches who enable transformation

Transformation beyond crisis: How to be successful in dynamic times:

10:00 – 10:30 Reception and distribution of materials
10:30 – 11:30 Revise your thinking: From crisis mode to dynamic mode

  • We critically reflect on the limits of the well-known crisis mode
  • We review particular problems that hinder organizational success in crisis mode
  • We zoom out on the bigger picture of a new dynamic mode
  • We explore how the potential for organizational success can be exploited in dynamic mode

11:30 – 11:45 Coffee break
11:45 – 13:15 Learn from crisis research: The theoretical concept of „pulsating normality“

  • We discuss the research case of an organization hit by the Covid-19 crisis
  • We derive learnings from the new concept of „pulsating normality“ (accepted for publication in Research on the Sociology of Organizations)
  • We consider improvisation as strategic method in times of crisis
  • We apply the improvisation method to a real case (landing on the Hudson river) (group work)

13:15 – 14:15 Lunch break
14:15 – 15:45 Enrich your transformation toolset: Business analysis through the routine dynamics lens

  • We explore the routine dynamics lens (how to transform routines beyond crisis)
  • We apply the routine method to a specific case for interactive learning (group work)
  • ​We apply the learnings to your organization (group discussion)

15:45 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:30 Empower yourself: How to become a transformative leader in dynamic times

  • We transfer the knowledge to your individual future actions
  • We assess how to become a dynamic-coach (survey)
  • We derive your personal impact on organizational resilience


A. Kontroling konferencija, 24.05.2024.
      (kotizacija: 500 EUR + PDV) 

B. Radionice, 23.05.2024.
      (kotizacija: 450 EUR + PDV) 

Teme radionica za odabir:

C. Kontroling konferencija i radionica, 23. i 24.05.2024.
      (kotizacija: 850 EUR + PDV) 


Za sve sudionike naših događaja, uz obvezno korištenje promo koda PU2024 prilikom rezervacije*, osigurani su u dolje navedenim hotelima cijene po osobi za noć**:

Hotel Eden

  • 1 ili 2 noćenja - 190,00 EUR
  • 3 noćenja - 150,00 EUR

Hotel Lone

  • 1 ili 2 noćenja - 260,00 EUR
  • 3 noćenja - 210,00 EUR

Hotel Monte Mulini

  • 1 ili više noćenja - 280,00 EUR

Grand Park hotel Rovinj

  • 1 ili više noćenja -  370,00 EUR


* promo kod aktivan je od 21.12.2023. do trenutka dok ima slobodnih smještajnih kapaciteta u navedenim hotelima (kontakt za informacije:, 052/800250)

** promo kod vrijedi za online rezervacije u razdoblju od 22.- 25.05.2024. za sve navedene hotele, a dodatno do 26.05.2024. za hotele Lone i Eden



Kim Louisa Dillenberger

Dr. Kim Louisa Dillenberger, acts as transformation expert at the intersection of academia and practice. She functions as driving force for organizational transformation as researcher, lecturer, key note speaker and consultant. Based on her scientific projects Dr. Dillenberger generates and transfers knowledge on organizational change, routines, improvisation and learning. As Vice Academic Director at the Centre of Performance Management & Controlling of Frankfurt School of Finance & Management she is particularly dedicated to shaping the future of corporate management. Dr. Dillenberger holds a PhD in business administration and builds on her business psychology studies as well as her practice experience in training and change management on global transformation programs. All in all, Dr. Dillenberger stands for a mind and action shift in dynamic times.