Revenue and Margin Growth Management

Context and description:
• In today´s world of inflation Revenue Management is extremely important capability in almost every industry where competition is present. From bare minimum to cover inflationally costs to more advance of using Revenue Management as competitive advantage to grow operating margins
• However, Revenue Management is relatively new capability in most of the industries, knowledge and experience on the market is scarce and many debates are run how to fit in the organisational structure. It is a capability which is not only base on the functional expertise (as it is very cross function) but also changing the mindset from complicated to complex where different analysis, trends, consumer and customer insights are needed for business decision
• While every industry and company needs to understand its own RMG strategy and approach, there are some universal principles which apply to everyone. RMG pillars are mostly the same across the industries however their execution is still very different (and for very good reason)
• This session aims to explain from “why RMG capability & burning platform for the same”, what are RMG pillars and different approaches in execution, organisational fit and differences in RMG structure and importance to start with its own maturity level
• By the end of the session, aim is that attendees will have a good understanding of overall RMG strategy and through workshop, think through what would that mean for their industries / companies and assess their Revenue Management maturity
• Understand “burning platform” why Revenue Management is not “nice to have” but “must to have”
• Present, explain and elaborate on Revenue Management Pillars
• Go over practical examples to proof and emphasize the value added of RMG capability
• Debate about organisational structure
• Preform maturity assessment
Learning Outcomes:
• Understanding of RMG pillars
• How can RMG help every industry to improve their profitability and margins
Required Pre-read:
- Mindset shift
- Revenue growth management: Building capabilities to sustain impact | McKinsey
- Why Consumer Product Companies Need to Solve Revenue Growth Management | Bain & Company
A. Menadžerska konferencija, 24.10.2024.
(kotizacija: 325,00 EUR + PDV)
B. Radionice, 23.10.2024.
(kotizacija: 325,00 EUR + PDV)
Teme radionica za odabir:
C. Menadžerska konferencija i radionica, 23. i 24.10.2024.
(kotizacija: 550,00 EUR + PDV)
- Menadžerska konferencija i Izrada korporativne strategije - Best Practices
- Menadžerska konferencija i Revenue and Margin Growth Management
D. [Workshop] Creating Business Excellence with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, 23.10.2024.
(Radionica s ograničenim brojem polaznika na 12)
(kotizacija: 500,00 EUR + PDV)

Luka Šomen, MBA, završio je MBA program na Zagrebačkoj školi ekonomije i menadžmenta te je završio fakultet na američkom sveučilištu Virginia Tech sa dvije diplome; Investment Finance & Insurance Law te International Management. U Austriji je radio 2012. u kontrolingu proizvodnje pive, 2013. u Brazilu na implementaciji SAP I BI, 2014. i 2015. u Nizozemskoj na globalnoj strategiji, te od 2015. do 2017. u Hrvatskoj u komercijalnom kontrolingu/Revenue Managementu. Zadnjih godinu i pol radi u Nizozemskoj kao Global IT Controling Manager. Započeo je pripravničku karijeru u Heineken International Graduate Programme u Amsterdamu, Nizozemskoj, na poziciji Global Strategic Planning & Business Control; Heineken Brasil, São Paulo, na poziciji Business Controlling & Planning; Brau Union Austria u Linzu (član Heineken grupe) na poziciji Business Controlling & Planning. Tijekom rada u FMCG industriji (trenutna pozicija Senior Commercial Controller, HEINEKEN Croatia) stekao je iskustvo u korporativnim financijama s naglaskom na kontroli poslovanja, financijskoj analizi, planiranju, poslovnoj strategiji, upravljanju projektima i sustavima / implementaciji procesa. Kao praktikant je radio u Coca Cola Hellenic u Zagrebu, a profesionalno se bavio tenisom te nastupao na grand slamovima (Australian Open). Zadnje 4 godine vodio je financije za HEINEKEN Njemačku, gdje je kompanija ostvarila 100% rast prihoda i tržišnog udjela. Od lipnja 2024., Luka je baziran u Amsterdamu u globalnom uredu HEINEKEN Group gdje radi na Mergers & Aquisition projektima diljem svijeta.
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