16. 06. 2020.

We had the interview with Dr. Damir Kralj, Head Of Market Management NAFTA & Business Performance Management at Mercedes-Benz AG.

More about his valuable and extensive experiences you can find at online Management Conference which will be held on Thursday, June 18th 2020.

Generally speaking, what role does preventive crisis management play in ensuring faster adjustment and reducing the negative consequences in a crisis?

Functional crisis management is crucial. Perhaps an accurate comparison is providing first aid in emergency situations for patients. Acting quickly and administering the necessary medicine leads to quick healing and can prevent the worst.

In your opinion, what key management tools and processes should senior and middle management drive in the time of an escalation of a crisis situation?

In crisis situations, it is important that managers feel connected to their employees. Trust is very important so that management decisions (even if they are unpopular) are accepted by the entire company and its employees. Trust is built up over years. And especially in crisis situations, you can do this through decisive action and courageous decisions. My experience for building trust in the past 12 weeks is:

a) Be the First Mover!
b) Perfection is the Enemy of the Good, Decide!
c) Always Have a Plan and Never Give Up!
d) Look to Other Sectoral Impacts!

To what extent does internal and external communication affect the organization in crisis situations?

Both, internal communication in the organization and external communication to our customers and shareholders are extremely important. The main challenge is to engage all departments as well as customers and shareholders. Acceptance and committment of everyone is the key.                                                        

You need to be coordinated and coherent, communicate! Strongly collaborate, always iterate & support learning within your organization as well as to your customers and shareholders.

Do you think this health crisis will have an impact on strengthening existing risk management systems in organizations?

I wish every company that. The existing pandemic has created an unprecedented risk situation that has not been considered in our planning and risk scenarios in the past. These must be recorded accordingly in the future risk management systems and developed solution scenarios.

What positive effects can organizations achieve in times of crisis?

A crisis always means an opportunity. If you are brave and make a decision you can win e.g. narket shares, can set itself apart from the competition and, under certain circumstances, develop a technological and innovative lead.

What are the main features, components and advantages of Leadership 20xx?

The future leadership principles are based on the passion, integrity, discipline and respect of our managers. The essential game changers are the managers themselves, with their professional and emotional skills, to give employees orientation and security.

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