Datum i mjesto održavanja:
Utorak, 09.04.2024.
Rok za prijavu:
Petak, 05.04.2024.
ESG KPI Tree Masterclass

Ljubazno Vas molimo za potrebe radionice ponesite svoje prijenosno računalo.
We kindly ask you to bring a laptop for the workshop.



Unlock the potential of your organisation's strategy and performance measures through our cutting-edge workshop. Focused on the strategic development of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics via KPI Trees, this workshop is a gateway to mastering this innovative visual method. Our comprehensive notes provide a wealth of ESG KPI Trees, offering practical KPI inspiration for your organisation.

The integration of ESG factors into organisational decision-making is more than a trend—it's a necessity. However, identifying and implementing the right ESG KPIs can be a complex challenge. Our workshop simplifies this process, offering a structured, visual approach to align your strategy with performance measures, specifically tailored for ESG metrics using KPI Trees. Equip yourself with our extensive ESG KPI Trees collection to bring about transformative change in your organisation.


Designed for impact, this workshop hones the essential skills required to adeptly utilise the ROKS KPI selection method. It focuses on creating meaningful performance measures for any organisation, with a spotlight on ESG KPIs. Emphasising hands-on learning, we delve deep into the art of building KPI Trees—an essential skill for your professional toolkit, best mastered through practical examples and expert coaching.

Target group

Ideal for controllers, accountants, business analysts, finance managers, and anyone passionate about or responsible for crafting ESG-centric key performance indicators in their organisations.

10:00 – 10:30 Reception and distribution of materials

10:30 – 11:30 An introduction to the innovative ROKS approach and the integration of KPI Trees

  • Preparing your strategy for the precision of KPI selection
  • Fundamentals of KPI Trees
  • Navigating common pitfalls and mastering the '4Cs' for breaking down objectives
  • Strategic link types to avert business crises
  • Perfecting KPI Tree levels with an engaging card game to streamline your approach

11:30 – 11:45 Coffee break

11:45 – 13:15 Progressive, interactive case studies increasing in complexity

  • ESG Materiality Assessment: Identifying strategy-relevant ESG issues
  • Defining specific ESG objectives for your organization
  • Aligning ESG goals with overall corporate strategy

13:15 – 14:15 Lunch break

14:15 – 15:45 Cascading ESG-related Corporate Goals

  • Hands-on tools and methods for creating your KPI Trees, including software insights

15:45 – 16:00 Coffee break

16:00 – 17:30 A collection of ten model KPI Trees, exclusive to attendees, featuring six advanced ESG KPI Trees

  • Governance
  • Workers
  • Customers
  • Community
  • Environment
  • Disclosure
  • Techniques for refining KPIs developed via KPI Trees
  • Crafting robust definitions for your finalised KPIs
  • Comprehensive guidance and checklists for hosting KPI Tree workshops within your organisation

Additional Resources
Participants will receive a full-colour notes set and a digital copy of the ‘KPI Checklists’ book, which includes 50 essential checklists.


A. Radionica, 09.04.2024.
    (kotizacija: 450 EUR + PDV) 

B. Financijska konferencija, 10.04.2024.
    (kotizacija: 350 EUR + PDV) 

C. Radionica i Financijska konferencija, 09. i 10.04.2024. 
    (kotizacija: 700 EUR + PDV)           


Za sve sudionike naših događaja, uz obvezno korištenje promo koda ESG24 prilikom rezervacije, osigurali smo u hotelu Milenij, posebne cijene smještaja:

Rezervaciju smještaja možete napraviti preko linka: Hotel Milenij

*promo kod aktivan je od 01.03.2024. do trenutka dok ima slobodnih smještajnih kapaciteta (kontakt osoba za rezervaciju smještaja:
Tihana Ðebnar, tihana.debnar@amadriapark.com, 051/278 016).

Bernie Smith

Bernie Smith, founder of Made to Measure KPIs, trains and coaches businesses to develop meaningful KPIs and present their management information in the clearest possible way to support good decision-making. His approach has been adopted by many organisations, including Airbus, HSBC, UBS, Lloyd’s Register, Credit Suisse, Royal Bank of Scotland, LloydsTSB and many others. He has written twenty books on KPIs, regularly tops this category on Amazon and is a frequent key-note speaker on performance measurement. Earlier in his career, Bernie, who qualified as a professional engineer, worked as a consultant leading teams delivering exceptional operational improvement in blue-chip companies using Lean and Six Sigma approaches. This broad industry experience has given him a unique perspective when it comes to developing KPIs to improve organisational performance.

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